TRU Group Join or Bond Advanced Materials
TRU Group Inc WHITEPAPER on Material Bonding
Process Development + Materials Selections + Production ImplementationJoining, also referred to as bonding, is the act of assembling similar or dissimilar materials in order to build complex structures or devices that address technological needs (ex: metal-metal joints, metal-ceramic joints, ceramic-ceramic joints, metal-polymer joints, ceramic-polymer joints). The technologies developed to do so are numerous and include adhesive bonding, mechanical fastening (rivets & screw), friction stir welding, soldering, brazing, diffusion bonding, isothermal solidification bonding, transient liquid phase bonding, exothermic bonding, cladding and welding to name a few.
Historically considered as manufacturing afterthoughts, joining technologies have now become enabling technologies in that they permit the utilization of new engineered materials (alloys, composites, nanostructured materials) in combination with radical new design concepts. In many cases, the methods by which materials are assembled are as important if not more important than the materials used, thus it follows that taking into consideration the joining requirements in the design/manufacturing phase is crucial. Soldering, brazing and diffusion bonding are the preferred methods to bond metals and ceramics. The production of mechanically strong, high-temperature resistant joints, produced at lower temperatures, which can survive harsh environments (heat, steam, corrosive gases) are a prime concern for the following industries and applications:
- Mining and machining – abrasive tools, digging and mining equipment construction
- Space and Aerospace – metals to ceramics bonding, vacuum tube sealing
- Electronics – soldering, wire bonding, thermal management, circuit reliability, power module packaging
- Energy Sector – turbine blade assembly and repair, photovoltaic assembly
- Transportation – assembly of carbon-carbon composites, aluminum, magnesium, titanium alloys for the automotive, train and aviation industries
The joining technologies based on fusion processes can be done in batches in specially designed atmospheric (He, Ar) or vacuum furnaces or on an assembly line with belt oven, reflow ovens etc. Laser and particle beam and exothermic reactive foil bonding are alternative approaches that enable the materials to be heated locally for joining purposes.
TRU Group Inc has strong capabilities in soldering and brazing engineering and design technologies and can assist clients with a range of their joining challenges :
- Identification of the appropriate joining technology based on the specific application requirements
- Materials selection
- Infrastructure design and implementation (metallization equipment, furnace design etc.)
- Process optimization
TRU Group has specialty expertise in process development for carbon-carbon, carbon-ceramic and carbon-metal bonding in the the following segments particularly:
TRU Group has a very unique expertise in the bonding science associated with coating spherical graphite for lithium ion battery use.
Concepts for TRU Group Inc Joining or Bonding Advanced Materials Whitepaper: joining methods, bonding methods, material joints, material joining, material bonding, material bond, material welding, material brazing, metal joints, metal joining, metal bonding, metal bond, metal welding, metal brazing, alloy joints, alloy joining, alloy bonding, alloy bond, alloy welding, alloy brazing, joining experts, joining consultants, bonding consultant, how to bond materials in manufacturing, production methods for joining advanced materials, equipment for bonding or joining, manufacture joining combine fasten metals ceramics graphite glue adhesives