TRU Group Front-End Engineering Guideline
Pre-FEED • Science • Laboratory Testwork • Prototype • Sample
TRU Group Project Guidelines + Levels of Engineering for ManufacturingIdea + Invention + Innovation + Development + Design + Engineer + Implement
At TRU Group Equipment Suppliers are not Technology Providers for manufacturing plants: Independent robust front-end engineering can eliminate negative issues and wasted effort down the road and get your manufacturing up-and-running! TRU Group has a unique science-based capability for early-stage process design, development and practical pre-front-end engineering consulting. As consulting engineers we take on seemingly insurmountable technical challenges to meet our client's needs focusing on leading-edge front-end niche technology-intensive design & engineering.

TRU Group Inc Manufacturing Consultant
Discrete Operations
Mechanical Assembly
Continuous Process
Batch Process
Extractive Industries Custom Equipment Automated Assembly Advanced Mechanization
Typical TRU Group Front-End Engineering Design Package Content (Prefeasibility Study):
- Overview Project Description
- Focused on fundamental science & process design
- Simulations, optimization & process scheme
- Laboratory and/or prototype testwork
- Basic plant equipment & engineering
- Cost estimates = CAPEX ± 40% OPEX ± 35%
- Budget = $60,000-$300,000 plus labwork expense
For early stage engineering projects TRU Group recommends start with Pre-Feed Stage A followed by the above outlined Stage B: Front-End Engineering Design Package
Pre-FEED ~ PRE Front-End Engineering Design ~ Contents
- Focused on Ranking of options & Screening
- Technical issues to be resolved in full FEED
- Laboratory and/or prototype program scope
- Recommendations for next step technical effort and engineering
- Engineering plan forward
- Cost estimates = CAPEX ± 50% OPEX ± 40%
- Budget = $40,000 - $85,000 plus expenses
Industrial Plants, Processes, Products, Materials & Project Guidelines
- Short Effort-Based Assignments: Fees = $900-$1600 per person-day
- Client Visits, plant inspections etc
- Conference call consultations
- Retainer based or continuous assignments
- Project Independent Opinion : Fee Budget = $20,000 - $50,000
- Focused on review of documents
- Main technical and business issues arising
- Next steps if the project warrants development
- Conceptual / Scoping / Prefeasibility Study : Fee = $40,000 - $85,000
- Focused on level one screening of project viability
- Pre-FEED Front-end Engineering and Business Plan
- Cost estimates = CAPEX ± 40% OPEX ± 35%
- General Feasibility : Fee Budget = $70,000 - $350,000
- Focused on setting technical & business project foundation
- FEED Front-end Engineering and Business Plan Package
- Cost estimates = CAPEX ± 30% OPEX ± 25%
- Detailed Feasibility : Fee Budget = $100,000 - $750,000
- Focused on solidifying comprehensive solution for outstanding issues
- Plant, equipment & project design and detailed business analysis
- Cost estimates = CAPEX ± 25% OPEX ± 20%
- Bankable Feasibility : Budget = $200,000 - $1,000,000
- Focused on detail in depth for maximum accuracy for investment confidence
- Pre-Detailed Engineering (pre-EPCM) and Business Plan & Strategy
- Cost estimates = CAPEX < 20% OPEX < 15%
- Due Diligence : Fee Budget = $40,000 - $250,000
- Focused on review of documents, interviews and Inspection
- Technical and Business Plan Integrity Evaluation / Issues arising
- Technical & Business Error Identification & Correction
- Basic Resource-based Property Evaluation : Fee Budget = $20,000 - $100,000
- Focused on resource exploration especially mining / forest / water (brine)
- Main technical and business issues arising
- Next steps if the project warrants development
‡ at TRU Group, Equipment Suppliers are not Technology Providers
TRU Group will independently formulate the specification for the equipment based on its own expertise first and only then seek out equipment suppliers that can meet that TRU Group specification. Importantly, TRU Group verify equipment performance claims by the supplier and advise clients on selection. Clearly, Equipment Suppliers have a singular agenda - to sell their equipment! At TRU Group, Equipment Suppliers are not "Technology Providers" or "Technology Suppliers". TRU Group discourages the conventional turnkey-financing of advanced manufacturing projects as this approach undermines essential independent robust engineering. TRU Group will gladly act as Owners Team to organize turnkey (financing) approaches after our firm has completed the front-end engineering! Indeed, TRU Group considers this posture good practice and not to do so is a abdication of its professional responsibilities as registered bankable engineers. TRU Group is registered by Professional Engineers Ontario, Canada.
We thrive on the most challenging manufacturing engineering assignments!

TRU Group Proposal Preparation Approach: We would like to respond to all inquiries but need some background to your company (including full address and verifiable phone number), yourself (title, company email and cell phone) and details of your company needs (such as the projects description, status, questions to be answered, etc) so we can respond effectively. With these details TRU Group will be able to provide an appropriate response such as a formal proposal or quotation. The TRU Group Proposal will typically contain –
- Project Objectives
- Work Content
- Assignment Tasks
- TRU Group Capability and Assignment Team
- Fees, Expenses and Terms
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